Manifesting & Your Vibration 🌸

Today I want to talk to you about my FAVOURITE thing in the world, something I could talk about ALL DAY LONG!!

Your Vibration... & how to get what you want most in life…

Now if I have lost you, keep reading as this will blow your mind, I promise!

So, we can all agree, we are made up of energy and our universe is ALL energy...

We are either attracting or repelling what we want through what our energy is omitting into the universe...

And how do we do that?

Through our vibration...

Let me break this down, think about a radio station, in order to move from 96.1 to 106.5 you have to move channels, a completely different frequency, right?

You physically cannot move change channels without moving…

Think of your vibration as a radio station and where you are and what you want are the two different channels...

So, you’re at 96.1 and you have your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, habits – your current reality, who you’re being right now, and you consciously REALLY want to be at 106.5

But just like a radio station to change channels, you need to change your vibration, your frequency to match 106.5

Well, how do I do that?

By always working on your vibration, always wanting to raise it and by accepting that where you are right now, the person you’re being won’t get you onto a different frequency.

You need to have a complete shift in your mindset, your thoughts, have new behaviours and respond to situations differently so that you are embodying the new channel...

Have I lost you yet? Please keep reading, it will click soon 🤩

Ok we know that we are vibrations, frequencies but what does this mean for our reality now. Well, your conscious is 5% of your day & your biology, your subconscious is running your life.

Your subconscious runs 95% of your day by your thoughts you think and the programs you’re replaying in your life.

You picked up these programs when you were between the ages, 1-7 and since then you have been repeating them in your life, every single day. You anchored feelings to events, so they keep repeating in your life, almost like themes until you heal them.

What does this mean?

Your subconscious programming isn’t yours...

Your living a life based on other people’s beliefs, perspectives, thoughts, attitudes, behaviours, habits, because you picked up everyone around you when you were growing up, all of their beliefs etc

Part of raising your vibration is becoming aware of what these programs are so that you can move to where you want to be.

So that you can have new results in your life.

This is my favourite thing to do, raise your vibration, because that is how you get what you want, fasssssst!

AND this is really easy to do, and you can make this process really fun.

Let me know how this lands for you


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