What no one tells you when starting your own business

Good Morning,

OOOO ok this is such a juicy topic to chat about because I am a huge advocate for starting your own business. I personally lovee having my own business and being my own boss. 

But one thing that no one warned me about was, the power of my energy. 

When I really understood what that meant, things shifted in my reality. 

I realised that it is never about the external, I always have the choice what meaning I place onto anything that happens in my business. The thing is my energy creates stories around either my audience, my sales and then I project those onto my clients, and they FEEL that on an energy level.

And duh of course that makes sense because - everything is energy...

Your thoughts create your feelings, and your feelings create your behaviours, habits, reactions, and that is what you project out into your reality. That is what becomes your life!

We live in an energy world and soo many people talk about business strategy / marketing, you must hustle and sell sell sell and people starting a business think they need the best marketing, branding and need to focus energy on all of those in order to get clients and in order to make money. 

Some people can spend thousands of dollars and even I did that, I invested over $5k on my branding, website, copy and I did that when I had noo clear direction and my energy was still in an anxious attachment style because I needed validation, I was taking things personally and always assuming the worst. 

And now that I am clearing my energy and I have crystal clear clarity around my business I am actually changing it all because it no longer vibes with me. 

You see when you make moves from an energy of “I need this to work” or “this is the answer to everything” you are expecting results, you’re needing people to buy from you and your needing engagement to feel validated.

Instead of moving from a secure, grounded place of, “I am popping up this content because I love it and I want to talk about it” – no expectations, just pure relationship building with humans. 

Expectation puts you into an energy of repelling because you’re needing this to give you something back, you’re placing a condition on your content. 

Do you see the shift here, and how business can be soo easy and it gets to flow – WHEN you understand your energy and clear up any leaks. 

That is the quickest way to your success, because you’re taking 100% responsibility and it’s not necessarily about making tonnes of money it’s about changing your current being to embody who you really want to be. 

Honestly this gives me goosebumps as it is something I too have faced in the past and I have worked with coaches to really clear up my blind spots, because they can be blind to you as your unconsciously programmed to think a certain way, and we all have different programs running. (Dictating our lives) 

Your blind spots are your ego, your projections, your shadows, limiting beliefs, doubts & fears because at the end of the day, you have the choice and the power over what stories you project into your reality. You just need the right tools to become conscious to your subconscious programming. 

Whatever projections you choose become your reality… 

So, your first step when starting your business is to work on clearing up your mindset around selling, marketing and BEING a business & a human that is secure and grounded and operating from an abundant mindset of its all cool and placing no meaning on anything because you always see the best in everything. 

​How is this landing for you? What is coming up for you?

I invite you to explore these feelings & if you need help DM me as I offer Mindset Coaching around exactly this where I guide you through the unknown & the tools, strategies to succeed in creating your business YOUR way.

Big Love,



Moving from Lack to Abundance


Science & Manifesting the link