What to do when you start an Online Business

When you decide to start an online business 

It comes with a lot of fears & doubts -- which are good because it means we can neutralise A LOT of your current identity to create a whole new one aligned to what you really want... yes please

And Comparison & competition energy comes into play 

We have this amazing free tool that we can show up on every single day.. #instagram 


It can also be really scary to start showing up 

Expressing everything you believe in 

Because, all of your friends can see.. your family.. your mums friends.. your partners friends.. 

Literally EVERYONE can see 

Because Instagram is so amazing that a message can be spread so far.. 

One of the first things I had to navigate was feeling okay with showing up online 

And moving through the fears of, 

What will people think 

Am I too much? 

Will they judge me 

Ahhh they do it better, mine sucks 

Ugh I wish I had their following 

Ps if you feel this way too, these are so so normal!! 

My gorgeous client had super similar feelings 

She was nervous to start showing up online even though she wanted an online business sooo bad 

But she didn’t want anyone on her personal account to see 

She essentially was saying she wanted to keep her business a secret in case it fails.. 

So no one she knew would find out 

Which Omgggg I have totally been there too 

I used my old adconnects account as a shield 

She also feared she would be too much for people 

But she was able to move through this 

And once she saw a new perspective 


She felt like she had unleashed a beast 

The best kind 🤗

And she was so excited to show up 

She fell in love with her voice 

And sharing 

And now she is sharing every day - how amazing is she? 

So dam proud of her transformation & courage to share online 

This can totally be you too!! 

Come join visibility & let’s get you SEEN 

Your voice is soo needed right now

You have gifts that people need

This is perfect for anyone in the online space of wanting to be in the online space

If you're currently showing up everyday amazing -this will still be SOO valuable for you

Because we are also working through ways you can uplevel your social media to attract your dreamy clients

AND how to completely show up online as you - I was showing up every single day but I still had a shield on.. I was posting safe content

I was worried I would come off as rude, bitchy or mean 

When I learn't the tools to creating polarising content- everything changed

I saw everything as content & I actually felt so free

Because I was able to take the mask off, stop the facade & just be me online

With IDGAF attitude 

And again - FREEDOM to be me! 


Big Love,

Amie xx


How to find a Job that lights you up