Why a Career Coach is what you’re looking for

If you needed assistance with your fitness, you wouldn’t think twice about engaging a personal trainer to help guide and maintain your physical health, would you? A career coach is no different – we are here to help.

Similar to reaching physical goals in fitness, you will achieve your career goals and find the success you deserve!

It’s no secret that your career is a huge part of your life. You utilise your career to reach personal and financial goals, however sometimes it can become a little overwhelming. Which choice to make? How do I balance my personal and professional work-life balance? Employing a support structure to have your back and your best interests at heart, with the knowledge and a proven track record of career success will be invaluable to your progress; not only in your career but also for your mental health.

Our Career Coaching service incorporates elements of neuro-linguistic programming – a pseudoscientific approach to personal development and communication. This approach works to help you overcome limiting beliefs, build a healthy mindset, know your worth,

develop boundaries, speak up confidently and understand the psychology behind interviewing. Interested? Keeping reading!

We believe that it is incredibly important for you to be constantly evolving, upskilling and growing. We train our bodies, why not our brain and our mindset? Your mind is your greatest power. We incorporate Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Training into all of our coaching services, with outstanding results from our clients.

Some points to ponder over in terms of NLP and reaching your career goals:

  • Have you ever tried to converse with someone who didn’t speak your language and had trouble communicating? 

  • Why is having confidence so important? If you don’t believe in yourself, how can you expect anyone else to?

  • Have you heard that saying, say it with confidence no matter what you’re saying and people will believe you?

  • People feel energy. Only 7% of what you say is actually heard by those “listening” - the rest is body language and your energy – ISNT THAT WILD!

  • It doesn’t matter what you’re saying: it matters how you hold yourself; how you lead; as well as the energy you put out and your tone.

 As a coach it is our job to help build you up. We are here to provide the tools for you, to elevate yourself to become the person you want to be. It may start with small shifts in your conscious to believe in YOU, to shifts in body language and conflict management to own your worth and achieve goals you previously thought unattainable.

Benefits of a Coach.

1. Do you feel stuck, complacent or bored? You’re not doing enough that lights your soul on fire! You should feel passionate and excited about your work because you’re doing what you love. The sad reality is that we spend an insane amount of time at work. Far more than what we class as pass-times we love and enjoy. Let’s shift that reality. With coaching we will ensure that you make choices to make you feel empowered, confident, nurtured, supported and happy in your career. How would you feel then? A coach can help you find your confidence and ensure you’re spending those hours working in a way that works for you.

2. Do you feel intimidated to speak with your superiors or express how you feel even to your colleagues? Do you feel nervous in public settings to speak up for yourself, perhaps that your opinion isn’t ‘good enough?’ We have all been there, but you matter. Your opinion and your input matters. As a coach, we work with you, and we listen to you. With the vast industry experience and knowledge, we have, we build habits to ensure you have confidence to advocate for yourself and your intuition. If you don’t back yourself – who will?

 3. Do you live pay cheque to pay cheque? Do you fear money and live in a place of ‘if only I had….or could?’ A coach will help create and manage healthy financial habits, as well as facilitate a healthy mindset around money. We provide tools for you to manage your money and feel accomplished upon your successes. The way you pivot certain behaviours around challenging topics in life will in time prove to be the key to a happy & fulfilling life. We are here to mentor and assist you to grow in ways that serve your purpose and ensure you are living the ideal version of yourself – it’s our purpose!

If this resonates with you, have a read over our other coaching blogs or reach out today for a chat.


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