How Career Coaching Helps You: Getting Unstuck!


I am on such a high right now! I’ve been doing a lot of coaching calls lately, really helping you guys figure out your way, and honestly my heart is so full from it all. Seeing you all succeed is why I do what I do. I genuinely love it when you guys have a breakthrough, expand your mindset, or gain clarity over your career. Helping you make positive changes makes me so happy. 

Ok ok, aware how corny I sound, but bear with me because there’s a reason for this. All these feels have inspired this post, and it’s a super good one - This blog is about what my beautiful clients and I have been working through, the themes of what I’m seeing people feel, and how to fix them. So if you’re feeling lost or any of these themes, you’re not alone! 

The most common thing I’m hearing right now is: “Amie I just don’t know what I want, I know I don’t want this but how do I get where I want to be?”

Trust me, I know this phase so well.  It is incredibly frustrating but just know, it is just a phase. It won’t last. You can change it! Let’s take off the pressure of having to have everything figured out right now, it is totally okay to not have everything figured out right now. Allow yourself time to reflect and figure things out. 

Theme 1: Lack of clarity, feeling lost or stuck

1.Start small: how are you feeling?

Check in with how you’re feeling and allow whatever is coming up to come up and then we can get a clear picture of where your head is at – acceptance for where you are is #1.

2. Reflect

After acceptance comes reflection, we need to reflect on what you truly want. Without knowing what you want, or having this time for yourself, you will keep finding roles that don’t fulfil or excite you. The whole point of your career is to feel fulfilled and like you have a purpose; you want to be excited for your work day. 

3. Step forward

We want to take small aligned steps forward; following a path of inspired action that feels good for you right now. This is key, as following what feels right will lead to the huge shift you’re after. You know what feels good, what makes you come alive at work, so let's follow that. 

These are just a few of the first steps I go through with my clients, to help get them aligned to their purpose, and to find them the role that loves them back. 

Theme 2: Limiting Beliefs holding you back 

Another HUGEEEE shift is going through any limiting beliefs holding people back. There are universal truths for everyone and then there are beliefs which only seem true for you. And actually, some of these “truths” are beliefs that are limiting you and keeping you stuck. One big problem? So many of my clients don’t realise they have limiting beliefs until I work with them.  How can you tackle a limiting belief if you don’t even know you have it? That’s where acceptance comes in. 

I work with you to acknowledge the limiting beliefs coming up and let them go. Once you let them go the magic happens. You feel clearer and you feel congruence with your mind, body, and your direction. Everything aligns and your confidence is boosted! 

Releasing these beliefs allows you to go after what you want with full confidence. It boosts you into a super positive mindset, which is key to finding what you want. 

Theme Three: Career Comparison

Another theme that is popping up is comparing your career to that of your friends or family members. I must admit I am guilty of this too, I have struggled with finding my feet and feeling like I was unsuccessful, as  I viewed other people as more successful than me. 

This is also a  limiting belief, and  something I have been working on with clients. We need to reframe and redefine your personal version of  success, as well as work through our reasons for comparing. Most of the time it is low confidence and also lack of trust in your journey. Many of us fall into the trap of setting the bar too high, so you never actually feel accomplished, or successful, because you’re constantly striving for more.

I hate cliché phrases but,  “stop and smell the roses” seems super fitting here. Seriously, slow down and acknowledge how far you have come and how truly amazing you are – because you are! No, seriously, I mean it! How awesome are you? Look at how far you’ve come!

I really hope this blog post has inspired you to want to create changes, and pivot into a career that brings you joy. We all deserve amazing lives with fulfilling and passionate careers. It is my journey and mission to help you find your way in your journey and be there for you. 

Until next time,

Amie x


What is NLP & how does it help your Career?


My story and how I can help you in your career journey