What is NLP & how does it help your Career?

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (“NLP”) is, quite simply, an absolutely amazing tool used to help figure out what your subconscious beliefs are, and then can be used to help you shift away those limiting beliefs from holding you back!  

No, seriously, it’s a real thing. And it’s actually amazing! NLP can be used as a sort of deep dive into who you really are. It helps you realise what limiting beliefs you may be subconsciously carrying around, that are actually holding you back. 

When it comes to excelling in your career, and in life in general, self awareness is a super power! It’s like having a blueprint to who you are, and why you are that way! Once you become aware of what stories you’re playing to yourself every day, and what subconscious thoughts and beliefs you are guided by every single day you truly have this incredible power to change your whole life and create a brand-new reality. A reality aligned to who you truly are, and who you have the potential to be without those limiting beliefs!

 We all walk around with subconscious self-limiting beliefs. Every single one of us. We picked these up from childhood, from parents, friends, at school, etc. As we grew up these sayings and thoughts and mindsets we were exposed to became our own, without us realising it, and that in turn helped to create your reality. You probably have a belief or a value that you totally unconsciously picked up from one of your parents that you don’t even know about!

If you’re running your life on old beliefs then you’re playing a game without knowing the rules! You may find that you keep getting stuck in a similar pattern, or role at work, and that no matter how hard you try to change it, you just can’t! You’re trying so hard to make changes but you’re showing up the exact same way.

If you’re relating to what you’re reading, I’ve got you! NLP’s got you! NLP helps you discover that blue-print to your beliefs, and with that blueprint and the right guidance you can absolutely affect the change you want to in your life!!!

Once you become aware of the stories you’re telling yourself, you’ll realise just how much your life has been guided by these subconscious beliefs. Why you do the work you do, why you live the life you live- why you have the same thoughts, the same patterns, the same habits as those around you. Your mind is keeping you the same because being the same is what it thinks keeps you safe. But in reality, perhaps you’re starting to feel unsatisfied and unhappy and you’re craving change.

In order to create changes in your life and go after what you want, you have to become different; you have to think different thoughts, change your perspective and develop self-awareness to build confidence and truly have your own back.

Limiting beliefs can be changed, and NLP is one of the best tools to give yourself the power to replace them with empowering beliefs. Transform from your current reality of creating a life from limiting beliefs and a scarcity mentality to creating a life of abundance and flow. Honestly the change is absolutely incredible, and yes -it really can be done! I’ve helped so many of my clients identify their limiting beliefs, and replace them with an empowered mindset. It’s one of the first steps in helping you identify what you truly want from your life, and your career!

I truly love this kind of work, I’ve built my whole coaching career on it! I truly love to help you find the career you didn’t dare to dream about! Unhappy at work? You can change your job (hey, your dream job might even be posted here!). You can find more joy. You can have it all! You can wake up loving your life and excited to go to work, trust me! 

If you’re ready to start creating the life of your dreams, let’s chat

I can’t wait to meet you x


Amie xx


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