Shadow Work BASICS

Hi my loves,

Ok I am obsessed with Shadow Work, it is something I use with my clients that has the BEST & QUICKEST results.

I am of the belief that life is mean’t to be incredibly fun and we are supposed to be in overflow of joy… so we don’t have time to sit in our limitations, our fears & doubts.

We have an amazing life to live - right?

So I am all about the quickest ways to get to the root cause of why you feel the way you do so we can LET IT GO

For good and real fast

So you can move onto enjoying your life to the fullest.

Here is a quick rundown on Shadow Work if you’re knew to it..

Your Shadow is a psychological term for everything we can’t see and don’t know about ourselves.

Your Shadows are a collection of thoughts, attitudes, characteristics, impulses, emotions, motivations & behaviours that are a part of you, but you just don’t know it yet..

But they pop up whenever you feel triggered or activated by something in a way that makes you feel, anxious, sad, frustrated

You are accessing a memory from a past wound you haven’t healed yet and it lives inside of you & your memories - which is formed as your subconscious.

(Your subconscious is a collection of your memories & core belief systems)

It all starts in early childhood, anything we deny about ourselves, whatever we perceive as inferior, bad or unacceptable becomes part of our shadow

And a very early age we subconsciously start sweeping things about ourselves “under the rug”

The Shadow can include, negative emotions and impulses like frustration, anger, sadness, greed, jealousy and your ego.

But it can also include positive attributes like kindness, boldness, creativity, intelligence and courage.

Anything incompatible with our chosen conscious attitude about ourselves gets regulated to this “dark side” aka your shadow self.

Our conscious mind tells us that we already know ourselves..

So it wants to ignore your Shadows because it doesn’t want to acknowledge that part of you because then it means it is true..

However, imagine if you’re talking to your lover and they keep ignoring you, how frustrated & upset would you get?

That is essentially what is going on inside of you

You have two parts, your Shadow Self and your Light Shadow and they are in tension with each other because one part of you thinks X and the other is full of limitations, old memories, wounds.

The key is transcending both parts of you to become one, because you want to reach a place of self love where you love ALL PARTS OF YOU

That is the true defintion of self love & something a lot of people miss, because they don’t want to love this part of themselves.. so they suppress it deep inside of them

But like we know that stored energy has to come up sometime & it will keep coming up every time you’re triggered until you heal it.

Ok, this is super basic shadow work but let me know how this lands for you

Lots of love,



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