Top 5 Job Searching Mistakes I see people make:

Ok I see these happen all the time, lets start to create changes around how you job search..

1. Having no direction or clarity around what role you're looking for..

Why is this bad?

Ok 2 reasons..

Firstly if you don't know what you want you will fall into a cycle of unhappy job hunting because you will always be striving for something more but have no idea what it is so can never find it..

Because how can you? if you don't know where you want to go, you can't make a plan to get there and the action steps to get there will seem so hard because you don't know where you're going..

Secondly if you have no direction or clarity around what you want then our personal branding will reflect that

2. NO Personal Branding - no this is a big one

Your branding i.e your resume, cover letter & LinkedIn profile they represent you before a Hiring Manager meets you.. It is so important that you are creating a story around you both professionally & personally

And again if your branding is vague, wishy washy because you don't know what you want then a hiring manager is going to be confused reading it, leading them to not reach out to interview you

3. You have no job search strategy

Ok Seek is dead...

Lol bit aggressive but applying for roles on Seek is not a strategy and it is not one that is helping you!

Even applying for roles on LinkedIn - that is not a strategic move

You need a solid strategy to get you from where you are to where you want to be so that you can make sure your next move ticks ALL or at least most of your boxes - if you have no strategy you're setting yourself up to fail

4. Having no connections

Everyone is always so focused on their resume they forget that this is a digital world, your LinkedIn Profile is #1!

You need to make sure you have a presence on here

5. And lastly, people not knowing how to interview

If you go to an interview and you are so focused on what they are thinking

I say this with so much love, but YOU'RE doing it wrong!

You need to learn the art of interviewing a company

Because that is how you go from 0 offers to multiple

Ok to end this I want to say that your job is so important you are there more than you are at home..

wild I know

So make sure that you take searching for a new one seriously

If you need help, you know thats what I do!

DM me anytime!


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