Do you know how powerful you truly are?

Alright guys, let’s talk about choices, and what the choices we make mean for our lives- in the now and in the future! One decision, one moment of bravery can absolutely change your life, and make it so much better! I am so super excited to talk about this theme this week as it’s something that I personally have worked through.

This post is part 1 of a duo series that will deep dive into choices and self-limiting beliefs; how they can hold you back, or be understood and used to set you free! Let’s dive into part one: what to do if you’re currently stuck in a role that you don’t love at all.

Picture this: Amie 4 years ago. An unhappy, frustrated Amie stuck in a role that was ultimately so draining and so unfulfilling. I was so out of alignment with what I really wanted to do, until one day I decided enough was enough. I made the choice to make  change, and to shift into the happy, fulfilling career that I’m in now. And I’m going to walk you through exactly how I did it! Because if I can do it, so can you!!

Have you ever been stuck in a totally unfulfilling role? Maybe your coworkers are nice, and perhaps one or two tasks are somewhat interesting- but overall the job just isn’t aligned to you.  You’re at work and you just have these feelings of dissatisfaction. You can’t put your finger on it but you know that you’re not 100% happy. In fact, you’re not even 80% happy. Perhaps you keep thinking to yourself, “things will get better if X changes, or if they do X,Y or if my boss leaves..”

If only, if only…

Sound familiar? I’ve been there, I know how it feels… And I have a huge secret for you..

You ready?

Things will only start to change, once YOU change!

Yep, let that sink in. Read it again if you have to. And let me explain further..

You see, if you wait for things to change externally to feel good, happy, fulfilled & satisfied at work you may be waiting a VERY long time. Why? Because you’re betting your happiness on something else- an external event or person! You’re literally outsourcing your own happiness and handing it to somebody else… Why give your power to be happy away??

If you feel stuck in your current role and you’re not loving it, you have the power to decide what your next step will be, starting with the power of choice. You have the power to create your reality and choose how you respond to events / situations at work and in any area of your life.

It is always your choice.

Even right now, if you’re disliking your role but not leaving then you’re choosing to stay. You’re choosing the devil you know instead of trying to find a career that brings you happiness. But you can change, and you can learn how to make choices that bring you more, not less happiness!

The first step to creating change at work is to acknowledge how you’re feeling and know that you have a choice. Once you realise that you are consciously choosing whatever it is that’s going on right now, you have the power to choose something different, no matter what it is. If you’re in a situation and can’t see another choice, I can guide you here. Actually, I would love to help you here! Because once you start to see your career and life through the eyes of being empowered you can create your life from abundance, instead of fear or scarcity. You can create a life and a career you genuinely love! Wouldn’t that be incredible??

Have a think about the choices you’re making, and the choices that you’ve made that led you to where you are. Have these choices served you? If so, how? If not, then I challenge you to really think about why you choose to stay in a place where you aren’t fulfilled.

If this blog is resonating with you at all, reach out anytime, there are so many ways I can help you , and I honestly thrive on guiding my clients to reach their goal job! Your happiness and fulfillment makes me happy!

Reach out to me anytime, either through my website or LinkedIn, or even my socials- I love connecting with you guys,


Amie xx


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