Perfectionism & Me.

Have you ever struggled with Perfectionism?

I know I have and WOW, I didn’t realise how much it was ruling my life, it casually just popped up in so many areas of my life and honestly did nothing except make me doubt myself, my dreams, and stress out… I was definitely living in fight or flight mode and didn’t even realise it.

We’re definitely moving into an era where progress over perfection is celebrated, but if you’ve still got perfectionist thoughts it can be really hard to accept this shift in mindset. But you absolutely, 110% can! There is a life where you don’t have to feel like you’re being ruled by the need to be perfect.

Perfectionism was a big thing for me in both my professional and personal life. From second-guessing every single thing I posted on LinkedIn, to how I even viewed my own body. One you’re in the perfectionist mindset nothing is really safe from your own scrutiny.

I remember this one day, after I had been recruiting for about 2 years and my boss sat me down to say I needed more of a LinkedIn presence. It made me so uncomfortable. Are you kidding?? Post on LinkedIn? No way! What will everyone think of me?

 Without realising it this one challenge from my boss put me into my fight or flight response, I went into full fear mode. My limiting belief wanted to take over, to tell me that showing up as myself and putting myself out there was “bad” and I just wasn’t cut out for it.

But instead of letting this fear dictate my actions, I practised mindfulness. I became aware of what story was playing in my head, and then once I understood it was my own self-limiting belief that was holding me back, I went for it.

And you know what? It wasn’t so bad! Fast forward a little while, I’m now absolutely loving showing up on LinkedIn as myself and posting content to connect to all of you.

I’m sure you’re all aware of how much I love a good LinkedIn post and status update if you follow me (if you don’t, you can here!) but truly, just a while ago I was terrified! But I decided I was done playing small and limiting my opportunities, I put it out to the universe that I was ready to show up and I got that back in return. And I have never looked back!

Can you imagine if I’d listened to my perfectionism and hadn’t posted? Or if I’d listened to my perfectionism and not started my own business?? If becoming aware and tackling my perfectionism has led to this many amazing life shifts for me, what can it do for you??

What you put out, you get back. Whether it's posting to LinkedIn, deciding you’re worth more pay, or worth that promotion! You see, the law of karma is a real THING!! Seriously, it's a big deal. Whatever you put out into this world you receive back.

 Make it your new mantra!  

I share this story with you because it shows just how limiting perfectionism and self-limiting beliefs are. And you want to know something? When it comes to your perfectionism, it’s not that you’re actually wanting to be perfect - there is actually a limiting belief that you have programmed into your mind and brain. Whenever you feel discomfort / fear for a new challenge (such as posting to LinkedIn for the first time) that is actually your body protecting you, thinking it is keeping you safe because in the past you perceived this kind of challenge as “bad”. Your brain and body think they are protecting you.

But when you really start to break down what’s coming up for you, you’ll realise perfectionism isn’t real. Yes. I said that. And I’ll say it again. It doesn’t exist! Repeat that again – it does not exist. Because NOTHING is perfect, seriously nothing is absolutely perfect, there is always room for improvement. We are all human beings, here to learn and grow. And we grow through trying! And sometimes we’ll make a mistake, so what? We’re one try closer to where we want to be!

So test those “perfectionism” limits. Test your self-limiting beliefs. Maybe you’ll make a few mistakes, but you know what? Without trying you would stay the same. And who wants that?? We’re meant to evolve and better ourselves!

Where are your self-limiting beliefs about having to be perfect holding you back? Do you feel you need to be perfect before you apply for your dream next role? I can guarantee that you don’t! Or maybe you’re after a bigger career change? You can do it! Do you feel you’ll always lack confidence, because of some reason? Self-limiting belief! And I can 110% help you with your mindset to gain career confidence :)

Did this bring up anything for you?

If yes, I am always around for a chat, we have to stick together


Much love, Amie xx


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