Job Hopping, Good or Bad?

Are you currently thinking of moving jobs but aren’t entirely sure what it is you truly want for your next role? Did you maybe end up just taking the first offer you received, purely to get away from your current role? If so, you’re not alone! I see this a lot as a career coach, and it’s something I can definitely help you with!

 Let’s talk about job hopping…

 First up: I am totally not against job hopping IF you’re moving for the right reasons. Sometimes you just find a new role more aligned to you very soon after you’ve already moved. It does happen. And if this is you then a huge congrats on chasing after a role you’re aligned with, and landing it!! Go you!!!

 If this is not you, however, let’s have a little chat!

What I do see a lot of is job-hopping for the wrong reasons. So many people tend to move around / hop roles because they don’t actually take the time to gain clarity and build momentum on what they truly want. They just know that they aren’t happy at this place so another place will make them happy. But if you don’t know what you want, and don’t take the time to figure it out- how can you possibly make sure your next move is a good one? You can’t! So you will probably hop from that next role too, because ultimately you would have accepted a role that you just don’t enjoy, because it doesn’t align to who you truly are.

 Do you see a pattern here? There most definitely is one!

Have you taken the time to pause, become curious and self aware around your career, and what's important to you? When do you feel happy at work? Do you know if you have ever felt happy at work? And if you have what did they look like? If you don’t have clarity around these then how do you expect to find them in another role? Or from external validation from a different boss?

 I know that sounds so confusing right now, so let me simplify it.

I find that so many people job hop because they haven’t worked out what they want from their careers, and their lives. So you move from role to role, blindly searching. As soon as you settle in a new role you feel those same uncomfortable feelings bubbling up (because you’re not working in alignment with yourself); after some time you won't be able to hide from them anymore and then you’ll start exploring options to move. Rinse & repeat!

 But take heart, I’m not saying this to scare you- I’m showing you how relatable this struggle is, if you’re going through it! You’re not alone! And there are definitely ways to end this job-hop cycle :)

Imagine if you really took the time and created a clarity list with a clear direction for your career. And then imagine you took that role and you went for a role that aligned to exactly what you wanted. A career that actually loves you back is possible! And it can be yours!

Allow yourself to become aware of what is holding you back, and what limiting beliefs you’re playing over and over. Then, instead of ignoring them and repeating the same mistakes, release them, and replace them with new beliefs- beliefs that actively support you and your happiness.

When you replace those limiting beliefs and fears they are gone for GOOD! So you can now start creating a career that is completely aligned to what YOU want! You can start creating from abundance and joy, rather than from fear.

When you take control over your career, you can honestly become limitless. You create such powerful internal changes that shift your perspective; leaving you feeling good and whole in yourself. You don’t need anything externally to make you feel good, you know who you are, you know what you like and you go for it. And in this state you’ll land that dream job, trust me!

There is no stopping someone who has clarity around what they want! If you’re wanting a change and would like some support with knowing where to go next I’m here for you; I would absolutely love to connect and help you take the next step in your exciting career journey.

 Amie xx


Perfectionism & Me.


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